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(Revised 2025)  


I.      DUES:  Club dues (includes computerized handicap fee) are payable to Treasurer before the Spring Luncheon each year.



        A.  A MEMBER MUST PLAY five (5) golf club events and must fulfill assigned duties to retain  membership.  Exceptions made only for those with a valid excuse.  (Notify the Membership Chairwoman before March 1st if you do not plan to continue membership.)

             1)  To receive credit for cancelled event, you must be signed up to play on the sign up sheet found under "Sign Up Sheets". Do not remove your name if the event has been cancelled. 

             2)  Sign up sheets and score cards will determine attendance.

        B.  COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITY:   If members cannot serve on assigned committees, they must notify the Vice President/Committee Chairwoman, secure a replacement, and serve another time.

        C.  FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY:  Members are financially responsible for any reservations (golf or social) they make.  If unable to attend,  notify the Chairwoman as soon as you know and no later than 24 hours prior to the event.  There is no guarantee of refunds for special events.


III.   MATTERS OF BUSINESS:  To expedite business meetings, all questions and suggestions should be previously submitted in writing.  Please send suggestions, questions or complaints to the Vice President or President.



         A.  GOLF ETIQUETTE:  (To speed up play)


               2)  BE READY TO PLAY WHEN IT’S YOUR TURN!!

               3)  Leave bags and carts off apron and to side or rear of green nearest next tee – never in front of the                         green!

               4)  Hole out short putts instead of marking them, unless you must stand in someone’s line (except in                       match play).

               5)  Leave the green before recording scores.

               6)  On Par 3 holes, when course is crowded, wave up players.

               7)  When leaving golf cart, take extra clubs if not sure what you need.  When near the green, bring                           your putter.


               9) For any player whose score exceeds 10 plus: pick up after 8 strokes, put the ball on the green, 2                            putt and take a circle 10.

         B.  USGA RULES:  All play will be governed by USGA rules, except where local and special league rules apply.   USGA Rules Books are  made available periodically by the Rules Chairwoman and  upon request.  In stroke play, if in doubt of a ruling, play a second ball along with the ball in play until the finish of the hole.  Then check on the ruling after the round.

         C.  LOCAL RULES:  Local club rules are subject to change, depending on course conditions.  Any changes will be posted in the  Golf Book and/or the Pro Shop.

              1)  Play Winter Rules:  A ball lying in your own fairway may be lifted and cleaned without penalty and                       placed within six (6) inches of where it originally lay, no nearer to the hole, and so as to preserve as                     nearly possible the stance required to play from the original lie.  A ball embedded in its own pitch                       mark in the rough may be lifted and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot                              where it lay,  but no closer to the hole.

              2)  Regular and Temporary Greens:  All putts are holed out on regular greens and the regularly                                   maintained greens.  No more than two (2) putts on emergency temporary greens if within two                             flagstick lengths of the hole.

              3)  Hazards:  All penalty areas within the golf course are designated as Red Penalty Areas.   

              4)  Water Hazards:  See Special League Rules

              5)  Out of Bounds:  Out of bounds is defined by white stakes.  Post and fences bordering  #11,  #17 and                     #18.  On #6, fence bordering the left fairway and past green.  See Special League Rules.            

              6)  Obstructions:  Throughout the course staked trees, corrugated metal drainage pipes, bridges,                              culverts, cart paths, and service roads are immovable obstructions.  A ball lying on or near an                                 immovable obstruction so that a stance or swing is impeded may be dropped within one club                             length of the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole, without penalty.  All bridges are                                       considered to be within the hazards.  No relief from bridges or other obstructions if a ball is in the                       water hazard.

              7)  Ground Under Repair:  Throughout the course (fairways, greens, rough) all bare patches, soggy                            areas, ruts made by equipment, animal holes and other abnormal or dangerous playing                                        conditions are considered  “ground under repair”.  Drop ball without penalty.   However, there is n                      free relief from an abnormal playing condition when your ball is out of bounds or in a hazard.

               8)  Distance Measuring Device:  Players may use devices that measure or gauge distance only.


               1)  Water Hazards:  9 HOLERS ONLY may drop on either side of a water hazard, two clubs length with                      a one stroke penalty.   (18 holers must drop on the side from which the ball was played, two clubs                        length with a one stroke penalty.)

               2)  Out of Bounds or Lost Ball:  You may take a stroke and distance penalty OR you may drop a ball in                       the fairway up to two clubs length from the edge nearest to where the ball was lost or went out                           of bounds.  Two stroke penalty.



        A.  ELIGIBILITY:  Only members with established handicaps may compete in handicap events.  (In case of prolonged absence, please notify Golf  Chairwoman.)  To compete in the President’s Cup , one must have participated in at least (3) three scheduled Thursday events preceding  the President’s Cup.  To compete in the Championship and/or the Consolation Tournament, one must have participated in at least (4) four scheduled Thursday events preceding said event. An exception would be a physical disability or a               similar valid excuse.  Low gross champions are exempt from having to qualify for the Championship the following year only.    Championship is a two (2) round event and should be played as such.  In the event of a rain-out, championship play will automatically move to the next day of league play, superseding any other event that is scheduled for that day.  Contenders must compete in both rounds to be eligible to win.

        B.  SWEEPS:  Fifty cents for 18 holes must be placed in the Sweeps Box prior to the player’s round.  There are no sweeps for participants during  team events or during the Championship.

        C.  GOLF CLUB EVENTS:  Are officially scheduled for Thursday mornings. 

        D.  MEMBERS MUST SIGN UP for special events and luncheons.  If they fail to do so and wish to participate, they must notify the Golf Chairwoman or Luncheon Chairwoman before 6:00PM on Monday.   If it is impossible for you to take part in an event for which you have  signed- up,  please notify the appropriate chairwoman (no guarantee of refunds).

         E.  BREAKING TIES:

               1)  Championship ties for low gross will be broken by a “sudden death” playoff.  In case of ties for low                        net and runner-up, winners will be determined by a match of cards based on USGA guidelines.                            (final 9, 6, 3 holes)

               2)  Ties for the President’s Cup will be broken by a match of cards based on USGA guidelines. (final 9,                       6, 3 holes)

               3)  Ties for other special events will be broken by a match of cards based on USGA guidelines.  (final                          9, 6, 3 holes)

         F.  WINNERS:  Winners for each game will be awarded in a range of 1/3 or ½ of the field.  Winners will be determined by the rules of play announced at the beginning of the year upon publications of  the league booklet or other document(s).  (e.g., net, team, gross score by flight, etc)

         G.  FULL HANDICAPS will be used for all net events.



         A.  WHEN STARATING TIME ARE ASSIGNED, players must be at the starting tee fifteen (15) minutes before their tee time.

              1)  League starting times will be announced prior to the start of the golf season.        

              2)  Golfers playing outside of the designated starting times will not be included in Thursday events.

         B.  PLAYERS MUST NOTIFY THE PRO SHOP if they are unable to honor their tee time.  They should notify their playing partners as well.  


VII.   SCORE CARDS:  Must be legibly signed (first initial and last name), attested, dated and placed in the correct Women’s Score Box for Sweeps and Ringers purposes.  Illegible handwriting or lack of signature could lead to disqualification and/or loss of prize money.  When 9 and 18 holers are playing together, they should keep separate score cards.  Put all Durand score cards in the appropriate box in the Pro Shop for all scheduled events.  On the card, note the results of special  events.



         A.  ELIGIBLE SCORES:   All eligible scores must be posted.

               1)   Post all scores for 9 and 18 hole rounds of golf, both match and stroke play, played according to                          USGA rules on all rated courses during  their regular season.

               2)  The local posting season in Western New York, as determined by the USGA, is April 15th through                        October 31st. 

               3)  Incomplete rounds may be posted according to USGA guidelines.


               1)  Every effort should be made to post your score the day of play.  

               2)  Adjust scores according to “Net Double Bogey” system.

               3)  Every player is responsible for posting her own scores.  DO NOT post scores for another player                              without her permission. 

               4)  If you are unable to post for some reason, have a fellow player help you or contact your Handicap                        Chairwoman.


IX.    RINGERS:  Ringers count on scheduled events only.  Ringers do not count if there is a temporary green or tee on the hole.  18 hole players may use ringers when playing 9 hole events.  Ringers end on the last day of scheduled play in September.


X.     FLIGHTS:  Flights will be determined according to a handicap scale prior to May 1st and announced to the membership.  The Golf Chairwoman will create 3 flights of an approximately equal number of players in each group attempting to find a natural break between the adjacent groupings.  Flights will be reconfigured later in the season (no later than August 1st) and used for the remainder of the events.  Championship flights will be based on a player’s latest handicap preceding championship play.


XI.    HANDICAPS:    Will be computed by the Ghin system from May through October.  Use your most recent handicap on morning of event unless  otherwise specified.  New members without an established handicap may participate in league play, however, they are not eligible to  compete in  events and/or win prizes until such time as they have obtained an established handicap.


XII.   THE GOLF BOOK:  Will be the information Hub for the 9 and 18 holers.  The GOLF BOOK will be located and remain in the Pro Shop and

          will contain, but not be limited to the following:

          1)  Sign-up sheets for weekly golf events, special golf events, and social events.

          2)  Rules of competition for weekly events as well as special scorecards (if needed).

          3)  Prior week’s golf results

          4)  Durand Eastman Women’s Golf Club Rules and Regulations

          5)  The FRONT PAGE for important news, updates, last minute changes, etc.  THIS SHOULD BE                                  CHECKED WEEKLY.


© 2022 Durand Eastman Women's Golf Club

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